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Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Lots Happening In These Parts

I feel like I haven't had a breather for weeks!

Last Tuesday on my day off I was whisked away for a day out in Blackpool. We love going there off-season when the weather's stormy and there are no tourists. There's quite a macabre feel to a deserted holiday town in the Autumn. It was incredibly stormy and the sea was roaring up and over the protective wall that backs onto the promenade. I was a silly head (what's new?) in getting as close as I could to take photos and videos. The spray was painful, being filled with sand that had been sucked up by the wind. It was all very exciting! Later in the day when the tide had gone out there were huge tree trunks and rocks deposited right up at the top of the steps. It's hard to get your head around the power of the sea until you come across such things. We walked for miles against the wind and got a serious workout. I must be thin by now, surely? Anyway, what a splendid way to spend our wedding anniversary. It was the perfect day.

Work has been a rollercoaster since I last spoke. See what I did there, keeping the Blackpool theme going? I've had some really good days and some horrifically stressed ones. We're short staffed with folks being on holiday and off sick, so it's been down to as little of three of us doing the work of six or seven. This is all well and good on days where things run smoothly, but as soon as a couple of problems arise it becomes frantic. I've dealt with it at times, but the stress that makes my teeth fizz has also appeared, which coupled with the fact that we never get a break (apart from the occasional dash outside for a theraputic cigarette) serves to make for arduous days indeed. I'm told I'll be changing roles at the start of October, taking on more responsibility in looking after the sales team and their progress. This should put me more in the eye of the storm than in the current swirling mass of chaos, so I'm happy to take on the challenge. Goodness knows I could do with a settled position where I know my duties and can have time to perform them well.

Art stuff? Well, I got the Games Workshop commission finished. They wanted a banner to attach to a standard to be carried on Games Day at the Birmingham NEC, which is next weekend. For those not in the know about such things, it was for a faction called "Nurgle", which are revolting monster type things covered in diseased skin and all that. Naturally they wanted something grotesque and I came up with this little creation, which has been well received. I look forward to hearing how it goes on the day.

Today I have some painting to do and I'll be popping out for a very civilised lunch with someone from work. I'm enjoying the peace and quiet right now though, before I get motoring.

Oh, and I must mention my glee at being a featured seller on Folksy! They put me on the front page yesterday, as well as posting an interview with me on their blog. How exciting is that? I never thought for a moment that I'd be on there, so this is such a treat. The link is here for anyone who fancies a quick read:

Me on Folksy

Finally, a quick word on the auction I ran for Monika, as explained quickly in my last blog. I decided to put three paintings up for people to bid on, and with that and some very kind donations I've been able to send a total of £56.00 towards the costs of flights and childcare. I can't describe how happy I am to have been able to do this for someone in such need. I'd have sent her what I could personally manage, but to be able to add to that is just wonderful. People are so kind; it doesn't half restore my faith in humankind to receive such support. Also to those who offered their kind wishes because they didn't have anything else to give - a massive thank you. It all means such a lot.

Despite my love of waffling, I must get on and do some work. Have a lovely day everyone, and ignore the rain, it may go away if we don't pay it any attention.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

A Friend in Need

I don't usually do anything like this, but a fellow Folksy seller is in great need. I am going to hold a charity auction of one of my paintings and I would urge anyone who might be interested to please make a bid. I'll do this tomorrow so I can get any resulting funds to the lady in question as soon as possible. Please read the post below that she made on the forum.

Also, if anybody can help out in any way please let me know, or contact Monika direct. It's worth noting that she is offering 50% off anything in her shop using the code "mama" at the checkout. Her work is absolutely stunning and the results of a true artisan.

"Hi everyone,

My name is Monika and firstly few words about me.

I was born in Poland and for past few years I have been living in beautiful Scotland with my husband and two fantastic kids Alicia (6) and Philip (1). Here I run my little business.

Today I receive news my mum died. I would love to go to Poland to help my dad in this difficult situation – unfortunately I cannot afford it.

Yesterday I organized “End of Summer Sale” in my Folksy shop – but yesterday everything was fine.

Today is completely different day – I quickly need to buy tickets to flay to Poland, pay for childcare during my absence.

Instead of reorganizing everything in my shops I thought the best way is if you make me an offer on items you would like to purchase.

I have two shops on Folksy:

Exclusive silver jewellery made in wire-wrapping technique:

Wedding jewellery and accessories:

All your help is very appreciated

Sincerely yours


my blog: "

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Saved The Day

I got off to a very slow start today. I'm usually up and dashing around very early on a Saturday, but for some reason I was a bit couch bound and sleepy. It could have been a complete bust, but I pulled it back and got working just before lunch. I wanted to get some paintings finished, do another for my lovely niece for her birthday and dye my hair. I'm happy to report that I managed all of the above, as well as a trip to Asda for the food shop. Victorious are me!

It's been a very hectic week. Work has been flat out chaotic with loads of stuff to do. I hven't made it out of there before 5.30pm any day, and yesterday it was a few minutes to six before I escaped. I'm meant to stop at five, but it just never happens. I've also had some stress in the form of problems with a colleague. I blimmin hate it when that happens. I've done all I can to nip it in the bud, but time will tell if I've been successful.

I'm moving on soon to some landscape work, a subject that I enjoy and haven't really explored for a long time. I'm kind of done with the stuff I've been making lately, so despite the fact that people like it and it sells, I shall be branching out. Before I do, here are my latest pieces.